effects of testosterone on the human body are the same regardless of culture and geography when christian vall found out that he was infertile he started looking for solutions. but my mother took me to see a urologist and he told her that i would never have children or that i could have a super would have sex life so my mom didn't think it was funny so i started reading up on my condition it is in a stream of bytes of force or. is there a medical solution to infertility caused by testosterone deficiency. doctors it's my office somehow. licensed and one of the things we can do for men who suffer from this problem is to give them injections of going out of truck and hormones that's never done during your how p.t. form of treatment has been used for years even decades where you had scenes and cons. the good natural trope ans include l.h. which is responsible for the production of testosterone in the testes and if sh which contributes to the production of sperm. the treatment was successful for christian of all for his body was able to produce testosterone and sperm for a short period of time he h