i do think, as christiano said, there is against their own people.nd finally, on a national security standpoint, it would be the greatest blow to iran in 25 years if arasaad fell and right now, it's destabilizing greater threats to the existence of israel. there's no doubt about it. >> it's so funny, senator, to say this might help teherdatehe. that's exactly the argument that eye used in favor of the iraq war. and we're not going in there because of iran. i heard many people say it. >> it may have been a part of it. albeit it was a false one was weapons of mass instruction. the fact is that the -- that syrians, now, are probably using them. there's no reason why bashe basher asaad wouldn't piece on everything else. if you're willing to standby and watch people be massacred and murdered and the yiet isn't doing anything, that's your point. i ri can guarantee you that the syrians will not forget that we didn't help them. see these children? these children will take revenge on those who didn't help. >> this is amy holmes here. and i think we all share