kim lawton, our managing editor, joins me for a conversation with father drew christiansen, currently at boston college. he is the former editor of "the jesuit magazine america," newly appointed to the faculty at georgetown university. father, welcome, congratulations on your new appointment. what's the most important reason that you oppose a missile strike against syria? >> well, i think the missile strike doesn't do the most essential thing, which is saving the people of syria. and we could do more if we spent the money we're spending on bombs on caring for the refugees. we're the leading donor still, but still, so much only a third of the money needed for refugees has been given. >> but assad used chemical weapons, apparently, on his own people. isn't that reason enough for a military strike? >> it's no more reason than the 120,000 people he's killed by other means. it's a crime of war to kill innocent civilians under any conditions. >> some people say, though, that this does, the chemical attack did make a moral difference because it was something the international community has s