today on the stand was christina renna, the former christie ministration staffer who had a hot and coldented texts of messages for all to see in the big screen in court and she was forced to go through them bridget kelly take this one, i am super pissed off and i'm a grudge holder which is a problem. when asked asked why did she say this she said your muffins. so apparently in some of them she was much more success full. john was talking about bridgetann kelly and he said [expletive] that. they actively plotted to undermine kelly and her job in a game of thrones style plot complete with a guy named stark who they're trying to get people to turn on kelly, her own staff. the governmental affairs agents were divided up, i gotta think the north remembers. on top of this the text messages were in was not the end. anything that could've been out of a romantic comedy and they said under oath that even though she said she hated bridget, i never hated bridget kelly. >> their relationship was rocky. it really ends on january ninth, 2014 at thousand 14 at the moment when everything came crashing d