hello i'm christie wonderwall come to africa it's good to have your company money as president abraham has sais he is now prepared to talk with jihadist groups in the hope of ending an insurgency that's made slaves of the country ungovernable human rights watch says last year was the deadliest year for mali and since the start of the embraced in 2012th at least $456.00 civilians were killed and hundreds more wounded in central mali and the i'll be talking to an expert on mali after this report showing force showing presence the mali an army is patrolling villages in the center of the country a region prone to attacks by jihadist groups but the area is not easy to control and people keep fleeing into neighboring book enough facile. change of the murder not a fortunately the jihad is continue to come the beat. and people are fleeing here i've just received 600 who don't have shelter they sleep outside. everyone here in this improvised refugee camp has witnessed or experienced atrocities. it's because they killed it's why we ran away when we attacked the 1st time we thought it would stop