i am christina caldron alea and engineer and project manager with the department of public works. dpw manages and maintains the public right aways and in general from building face to building face. we maintain approximately 878-miles of streets which consists of 12855 blocks and 7200 intersections. we work with other city departments to maintain and improve the public right a way. as you know building faces are regulated by city planning. we work with city planning to prioritize street scape projects for funding and work in the planning place of the projects. we work with the public utilities commission on street lighting and especially pedestrian scale lighting. we also work with them on sewer and water projects. when we do repaving a lot of the projects are joined with the puc to make the sewer and water improvements at the same time. we work closely with the municipal transportation agency on transit and traffic operations, on the over head system during construction, and we also work closely with them in planning and design of our street scape projects. we work with the trans