christina anderson. yeah i agree i what i would certainly tell on and he needs to cut it out and he needs to cut it out immediately. the problem we're talking about here is that. nuclear weapons and. it is in next under unacceptable that someone the somebody like that pass said the power over what that's like that. sally and the name of peace of the world we needs to make sure that he will not and act on that. definitely. i think when he is provocative then result stay calm and we sort of fire him and at back to the six party talks. with china japan with host south korea with the united states of course and i think he should and his nuclear ambitions and on the other side of south korea and the united states. should freeze their maneuvers. and as nick. i think in the short term priority in the longer term priority the short term priorities to avoid. escalation of nuclear warfare. will by military confrontation by accidents and i think that should be. made clear that this is in the mutual interest of ever