so that is one side of christina lovelace problem. on the other side, you have the political issues, righteous and criticized for super slow picture procurement of weapons for the german army. she's also been accused of like an expert expertise, not knowing the difference between military machinery and mixing up ranks. so all and all that led to a pretty bad reputation on her side. and it gives of the impression that she is not up for the job. and not interested in the job. so making her liability for the government really, of course, and i focus internationally has been massively on germany because of the war on ukraine, particularly as defense, policy perceived for dragging it will you tell me more. is this like lead to make things worse? you think for a, for germany's image abroad? well, it certainly have an uncertainty, right? i mean, germany currently faces this big decision of whether it will and then battle thanks to ukraine. and at the same time it's, it's just really unfortunate timing as well because next week on sunday depe