it's christina mireles. . >> not a minute is wasted, even before getting to the office. christina juggles the two cell phones, returning business and personal calls. and she usually eats behind the wheel. >> oh, i forgot to bring my breakfast. oh, well. >> talk about multitasking. on his commute, joe manages the consulting business he has on the side... >> super, super, super-duper hot. it's crazy. >> and even keeps track of new messages on his blackberry. but he says he's never tried anything this dangerous. this man is actually typing out an email while driving in rush hour traffic. [engines whirring] >> i got it. joe's workday is a blur of business meetings... >> so this is the basic site. >> incoming phone calls. >> who are you? what do you do? how can i help you? >> and hundreds of emails. >> i can check emails and respond to emails. i can have a conversation on the telephone. joe hurd. i can have a conversation via im. and i can keep--exactly-- probably half an ear on a conversation with a person. >> in