are, condoleezza rice, myself, and we can all express ourselves in daytime, business, and wherever you go and express yourself as a fan. it's a lot of fun. >> i got to talk with christinaristina had, i guess had an awesome experience growing up in new york. are you the biggest fan or the biggest and most stylish female fan? >> yeah, i do do a lot with the redskins, with our team, within our community. >> right. >> i'm always up to something. >> tell us what happened. how were you chosen and the resu is this fantastic photo, may i say. tell us about the process to get to that photo. >> i received an e-mail from pro football fan association, which i was inducted into in august, and asking us to enter this contest, because it would be good publicity for us. i submitted a picture of me giving my induction at the hall of fame and kind of forgot about it, until i got a phone call two weeks later saying i won. me trying to explain to my husband we were now going to new york and what i was up to. he was super excited because one, he'd finally see me fully made up, which he has never done. and with full stylists and everything. i can honestly say, nike, nfl, it was the trip of