requestor is christina saginowski, 2618 greenwich street, four-story building immediately adjacent to the subject property to the east. her concerns are as physicals -- that the project will negatively affect light, air and privacy to 2618 greenwich. the project would create health and safety hazards with respect to windows being blocked. the story polls that had been erected were inaccurate and the project would negatively affect the d.r. requestor's development plans. the residential design advisory team considered the issues and to avoid impacts to light and privacy to adjacent properties, the railings for the proposed second floor roof deck by set back 5 foot. the residential design advisory team noted that it includes light wells on the east side to provide for light and air to the light wells in noncomplying property line windows. the design advisory team found that the d.r. requestor's concerns regarding the loss of light and privacy are neither exceptional or extraordinary as the setbacks are appropriate and maintain access from the d.r. requestor's property. the planning depa