. >> christina tao lonoke started selling these squeaky shoes it after she needed to supplement her income after the real-estate market took a tumble. -- christina catalana. >> i wanted to bring some money into our family. >> this former flight attendant started turning her living room into a boutique. >> these work well together. >> she is hosting trunk shows as a side business that seems to be recession-proof. >> i can show them away to make it affordable and fun and exciting. >> i have two patented products. >> despicable blanket and kangaroo items are a second source of income for her family. >> my husband works full time. knowing there is a second source is something. >> it is allowing them to save money. >> we are able to set goals for the future, a plan for retirement and vacations. things we normally would not have been able to do right now during this recession. >> your insta-weather plus forecast with sandra shaul. >> after a turbulent weather weekend we had severe weather yesterday and on friday. it is calming down today. towers and storms are offshore along with the front from