managing director christine lagarde and baidu ceo robin li engaged on this topic at the bloomberg globalealed results of an imf study that appears to quantify the use of ai. christine: essentially the finding is that and we extrapolated from countries to the rest of the world. the conclusion was quite a lot of jobs will be significantly materially affected. when we look at those 30 countries, it will be about 26 million jobs that will probably disappear. the second finding, i thought was interesting, is that because it applies essentially to those tasks that are repetitive, and because there are more women doing those jobs, women are likely to be more affected than men by the impact of artificial intelligence on the labor market. intelligence. do you think that is true? robin: it could be true. but like i said, that is just one side of the coin. there is another side -- laboring, you can also say, it is kind of repetitive. christine: you need to apply judgment. robin: yes, relatively simple judgment. it is not that hard. for example, if you try to teach the computer to drive, it is not t