joining me is cnn sports analyst christine brennan, also a sports columnist for "usa today." be objective here. i'm a houston rockets girl. that's my home team, but i am going to tell you i'm very disappointed in what's transpired, especially with james harden. what does this say for the challenges ahead for the nba season, given what happened tonight? >> bianna, this is not the way the nba wanted to kick off this new season. this is the complete opposite of what they wanted to have happen. it shows when the nba was not in a bubble -- and boy, was that a success, one of the highlights, the way they pulled it off. but they could could do it this time, with the issues, how difficult it was. the owners wanted to try to have fans at some point and recoup some of the revenue. now they're doing it the way the other leagues have tried to do it in college sports. we have seen over and over again how difficult it is. my guess is, bianna, we will continue to see the stops and starts. we have 158-page protocol for health and safety. they know how to do it. they did it right the first ti