and then the final analysis, a democrat, christine gregoire, ended up winning the hand recount by 129 votes out of 2.8 million. that is 56, 10 thousands of one person. one of the most important lessons i think that the public was how important it is that you be very conscientious when you vote to actually follow the rules, find out what you need to do, because while there were many mistakes made by election board workers and staff, vastly more were made by the voters. if they were supposed to fill in an oval and instead someone would circleville put an x. next to them in the question, what does this mean? or they would use the wrong kind of ink that the machine couldn't read, they forgot to sign it. it would have changed their names because they get married, didn't bother to change your voter registration so it was signed with a different name and all of a sudden election people are left saying, is this the right person who didn't change their address? the responsibility of citizenship and in the. >> to elections is excellent important to democracy and i think this is a rather compell