richard, you spoke today with christine legaarde, what did she say to you?they're having their annual meeting in washington, just about every finance minister and central banker in the world including, by the way, jack lew of u.s. treasury and ben bernanke of the fed are all there. and what basically anyone who you'll talk to says they just a can't believe it's happening. it's an extraordinary state of affairs. they all say they have confidence that the u.s. will sort out its fiscal mess and raise the debt ceiling. but after the main committee meeting, i asked christine legaarde why she remains sew confident since clearly there was very little progress being made. >> there's nothing like a deadline to actually reach the target, and i would hope that that deadline operates in that fashion, but that was the view expressed by all ministers in town in washington for two days who have come from all corners of the world for the annual meeting of the imf. they are concerned, because the u.s. is the biggest economic -- economy in the world, because it trades with al