we are joined by our colleague, supervisor christine olague. supervisor wiener?upervisor wiener: thank you very much, mr. chairman. i have been very public in my views on this issue. but i think i support it for a different reason than some of the supporters do. for me, this is not about whether banks are good or bad, or whether we should have big banks, small banks, credit unions, or another type of institution. any bank, in my view, whether it has one branch or thousand branches, is a credit union or a regular bank, if there is an over-concentration, if it is in an inappropriate location or corner within the neighborhood, it can have negative impacts on the neighborhood commercial area in terms of the vibrancy and energy of the neighborhood. banks are typically not open at night and are not open for the most part on the weekends. for the most part, they do not add to the diversity of uses in the neighborhood and do not necessarily add to neighborhood character. so, i am supportive of requiring conditional uses for banks. and we do have that in the castro and up