first, on september 14th, a number of us, specifically commissioners carmen chiu, christin a olague andcott wiener were on the regional transportation plan which was actually held at the county transportation authority's offices. we had a very interesting discussion. the discussion involved members of abag and other regional players in this effort. and the discussion focused on drug trends here in san francisco and the region. we talked about the scope of investment in transportation infrastructure, the investment that will be needed to accommodate the growth that is expected to happen here at the region and specifically here in the city. and we also discussed some of the challenges that are facing not only the city and county of san francisco, but the other jurisdictions as the region moves forward with its transportation plan. as you probably are aware in your agenda today, we will have later in the agenda a presentation about the san francisco transportation plan, which is actually the long-range vision for transportation investment by the authority here in the city and county of san