my name is christine olsen. i am here representing myself. i have owned a home in san francisco for 25 years. i have had boats at south beach harbor for 25 years. i understand it is being described as a premier destination harbor. well, it was not like that 25 years ago. believe me. it has changed tremendously. as the gentleman that you just heard said, it was designed for people with lower incomes to be able to afford this place. now, i have also belonged to the south beach yacht club for almost 25 years. i have several concerns about the report. the first thing is the short timeframe. i know that that was addressed, somewhat, but like so many of the other residents in the harbor, the first that i heard about this possible increase and possible charge for parking added on was last thursday, at a meeting that was held at south beach. what i understood at that time was that they wanted to have a decision made in july for implementation in october. i understand that that has been pushed out a little bit, but still, that is a very short timefram