christine roamens and ken rogoff are back.t between the markets and the real pace in the growth of the economy. am i wrong? >> no, you're right. 2012 was gangbusters for the market. 2013 off to a stronger start. $81 billion moving into the market. think of that, we're talking about $85 coming out of the budget. $8 1 billion went into the market. low interest rates, consistently strong corporate profits, a weak dollar have retail investors diving back into the market. you have to wonder if it's based on reality. the fundamentals of the economy, they still have some cracks. the latest estimate of gdp growth was anemic in the fourth quarter. rising .1%. that is not a good performance. a personal income dropped. saw the biggest one-month drop in 20 years. but because the housing market is recovering, people might be feeling a little bit wealthier. consumers are spending more, saving less, we're nearing all-time highs for stocks, are we skating on thin ice? >> that's good question. ken. the one thing that stood out from what christ