there are others including bob planthold, christine rupke and as i mentioned earlier, the meetings will be open to the public. again , the first meeting, as a reminder, october 23 from 2:00 until 4:00 at 1 south van ness on the 6th floor. there's a web site, that address is ssibleparkingpolicy i want to encourage member s of the public if they have stories of what they want to see use our office as a central distribution point and to send us your comments and we'll make sure the information gets sent up. last of all i wanted to give the council an update on the mayor's office on disability move and just confirm that we do have a new home. it will be 1155 market street on the first floor. we signed the lease, or our land lord signed the lease, and it's a good location with great proximity to transportation. space planning is in progress and we expect to be in our new home in may or june of 2013. with that, i would like to turn things over to heather kittle from our office and ask her to give us a brief report on the types of complaints that our office has