chief of departments report discussion report from chief of department dean christman. report on current issues, activities and events within the department since the fire commission meeting february 12th, 2025 including budget academy's special events communicate tions and outreach to other government agencies and the public. president frazier, vice president collins, commissioner lowe, commissioner kodjoe madam secretary, members of the command staff welcome guests speakers dean christman fire chief san francisco this is my report for february 26th, 2025. i would like to open my remarks in gratitude of a retired member adc julie mao who recently retired as the assistant deputy chief of training. she was a tireless advocate for training and specifically in training our female firefighters of which we are proud to have 300. so i'd like to have a round of applause for our chief maui. >> i will start off with many of the events that we attended myself individually and ourselves as a command staff. february 12th the mayor declared a fentanyl state of emergency and actually