dani: and we will speak with christof ruehl on the impact of energy prices. this is bloomberg. ♪ >> you've likely seen that over the last four meetings we have raised rates of 225 basis points. we have shrinked our balance sheet and more rate hikes will come. we will do what it takes to get there. the pace of when we get back to our 2% target is uncertain. as a result, our commitment to bringing inflation down, leads to worries about recession and i understand why. manus: richmond fed president thomas parkin speaking to the huntington regional chamber of commerce, channeling his inner mario draghi. joining us now is ricardo evangelista, fx strategist from activtrades, you look at the jobs data, it is 2 for 1. does this lower the bar to another 75 basis point hike in september? ricardo: good morning, thank you for having me. unemployment will be very important for the fed's decision making process. i think the expectation points at the continuation of growth for u.s. employment. new jobs are still being created albeit at a slower pace. this vitality in the u.s