you can't argue with christoferson.>> i will stick with that one. >> that will work. you have said a couple times how much you love being a mother. i take that and respect that. how has being a mother impacted your work. kids don't want to deal with your ego. they want the real you 24/7. i think getting used to the real you showing up 24/7. >> is that hard for an artist to do? everywhere you go people are throwing roses at your feet and they can't get enough of you? how do you give your ego-less self to your kids? >> that's the part that is so powerful. but also just the beauty and the love of children how it opens your heart and once your heart is open you don't keep this part closed up it's open to everything. all kinds of inspiration. just on a practical level i have learned how to write in spurts wherever i am, you know? if i was busy with them and they wanted the pen i was using, kind of can go in and out. >> tell me what makes you so happy and content, the word you used earlier, with the lyrical content of this pr