joining me to talk about this, christopher catalog, national political reporter, aaron blake, reporter for "the washington post," and um better tow sanchez, correspondent for nevada independent. i don't know if we can overstate. michael bloomberg started this campaign officially almost a year after some of the other candidates. he missed first eight debates, first four states, already spent somewhere in the neighborhood of $400 million. and he is second in the national poll. there's never been a political story quite like this, has there? >> no. i think it reinforces that money does matter in politics, even after the last election, maybe it wasn't quite so important. look, when he got in the race, there were a lot of people, myself included, who scratched our heads a bit at the strategy he was going to be running. first of all, he wasn't taking donations, meant he wouldn't be qualifying for debates moving forward. he was skipping the first four states. generally when candidates haven't performed well in those states, they haven't had a seat at the table. when it comes to super tuesday, i think what we have seen this has given him at the