christopher castor is only his way to the eastern city of strasburg and we understand that president michael is being kept abreast of all the developments as they happen in that city just to give you a sense of what strasburg is like at the moment i was there just two weekends ago for the christmas markets and there is actually already high security in the city basically the entire area where those christmas markets are held has been forbidden for an with royce vehicles during the time of the christmas market also there are security checks it every point going into the center of the city where you have your bags checked sometimes your patted down and that's because security is tight just remember it's only two years ago that in another christmas market one in berlin was the scene of an attack and eleven people were killed there after some of the hijacked an islamist at that point hijacked a truck and actually rammed into people at the christmas market and there was a result of that there has been high security at christmas markets ever since that france itself is still on high alert