[laughter] so darlene clark hine, i should mention, is a past president of the organization of american historians. the next speaker that i want to mention is christophered. christopher reed also earned his ph.d. from kent state. he is the author, again, of a series of books, three of which i will mention; the chicago naacp and the rise of black professional leadership, black chicago's first century, metro history students have kind of dog eared a number of copies here because if you want to write about early black chicago history, black chicago history of the 19th century, you have to start with this book. and it will lead you to all the original sources beyond it. so a wonderful book. and then the rise of chicago's black me metropolis which i bele is dr. reed's most recent book, although it's hard to keep up. "the rise of chicago's black metropolis" traces the period of the 1920s and leads us to the birth of the chicago black renaissance. he claims to have retired in 2009, but i suspect that, like me, chris reed -- chris reed's retirement is more alleged than actual. [laughter] and then finally, final hi, the youngest of the people on this panel, and