. >> hi, christopher curby, i'm a 33 year resident of san francisco, live in district 8 for a long time. i'm not going to go through a lot of what has been said about the benefits of trees, and all of that, not to minimize that, but i want to actually get down to the roots of some of the things that can actually be done. as mr. clipp said, there are any number of things that can be done. and what i would like to talk about is what i would like to see resulting from this hearing. i don't want it to be a hearing and then be tossed aside. i would actually like it to go forward with specific recommendations that will ultimately go to the board for consideration. with respect to that, i was very excited to see that the board as a whole unanimously adopted the climate change declaration, and as a result of that, i think it was in july, that a report was put out. it talked about all sorts of climate change issues, but, unfortunately, there was one paragraph about urban canopy, and it really did not focus on carbon se sequestration that is linked to trees. and so i really would like -- wg about