christopher darden fell into the trap and could not resist it. if you're asking was the most clever, the better attorney, clearly by any indication i can think of, johnny cochran was by far the better attorney there. and he won the case and christopher darden and marcia clark did not. there's a lot of speculation about that affair. may be no more about it but i'm not sure the average mid-having a affair, they hinted that they possibly did. but anyway, that's not terribly important. >> host: your first two books, "the press" and "a nation of strangers," about the media and immigration. five books, six books on race. why did you pick up the race topic as something to write about? >> guest: in some ways because, in some ways raise it to me i guess is the way to put it. when i wrote rage, which is taking out in 93, actually the hard copy came out in 94, was such a big book in some ways. it got so much attention. that i found myself suddenly a huge expert on race. and it's funny, i mean, most people, the press which is a book i'm very proud of which l