it is has fed the kind of christopher hichens how religion poisons everything, that type of argument. and alarmist view of islam. there is a huge difference between islam and islamat ism. a simple fact that when muslims are of minority in a situation where the majority is different the great majority of them go along with the ways of the country whether it is the united states or france. much of the christian fear and alarm is some -- alarmism, have no fear, you can see 9/11 created a huge sense of fear and alarmism in the christian community which has stopped the natural impulse to love them, reach out to them, share the faith with them and so on. one of the main implications in the last year, freedom always undermined its of three waste. it becomes license, this is the one that has happened since 9/11, freedom loving people love security and safety so they have so much security they lose freedom. think of what the nsa is following now. the third is freedom loving people value freedom so much they will fight for it in any way because it is the supreme value even in ways that contradi