lot their places like cato, "the weekly standard," american conservative, forbes, professor christopher higgins spoke about this but the volume and tone of criticism directed at mr. bush from the right i think is surprising and something to consider. some of those complaints might be dismissed as not being representative, as being narrow. i think in the later part of mr. bush's second term some could say look, these are conservatives rats fleeing a sinking ship while trying to prevent the good name of conservatives from going down with the bush titanic. there's something to that bestow on balance i don't think you can dismiss it out of him. i think they constitute another red flag towards the facile labeling of bush as a doctrinaire conservative. is there some what of making sense all this, coming up with an account that would explain the pieces that seem to fit, some of the pieces that don't fit, some of the conservative criticism and i think there might be. i end up endorsing some form of what is well-known in my field as stephen's account of articulate first on the eve of the clinton preside