the so-called new atheists like sam harris, richard dawkins , christopher hitchins and if you want togh, bill maher, madeline murray o'hare in the other century. only arelative handful of the 535 members of congress, would say simply and straightforwardly, i doubt there's a god who created the world and intervene is in human affairs. joining me now: professor, has the way we talk about, the unaffiliated, the so-called nones, even caught up with how numerous they are in the country, how unexceptional they are? >> they're very ordinary folks. we have them as friends, neighbors, and colleagues, perhaps not yet as representatives in congress as you mentioned earlier. but they are thro. and they're measured by the kind of expert polling that pew undertakes and they are growing. and it looks like these trends which have been going on for about 20 years are going to continue in the direction of less and less religiousity in the future. have. >> you wouldn't know it professor looking at the future looking at the time republican presidential primary debates would you? >> well, politics involve