this is something numerous scholars pointed out in the 1990s including christopher jenks of harvard who wrote one of the best books on homelessness and it was clearly designed to get people to think about this as a problem. we say people are homeless and the frame is where dealing with the problem of poverty and a lack of housing because that's just how framing and cognitive, that's how our brains work so the word homeless is designed to trick your brain into thinking of this as a problem of poverty and is designed to hijack your sympathies and distract us what's really going on which is mental illness and drug addiction. in the 1980s there was acrack acted epidemic . track and alcohol which were the two drugs that paired in the 80s leading to homelessness and the other jargon that would be used as this word this affiliation and this affiliation, the basic picture is you become addicted to alcohol or other substances or drugs. you stop working to service your addiction. all along you stay with family and friends until you steal from from them or borrow from them and they kick you out an