my name is christopher koch. it is a little chilly in here, but i think we'll be all right.oalition of community organizations spanning a pretty good breadth of the city around a set of values and principles that we think are very important for the new mayor to uphold and follow. and we've prepared a very basic set of principle guides here that we've distributed to every member of the board of supervisors and we'll be following up on this in more detail down the road. i just want to leave you with the introduction of our statement, which says that as san francisco prepares for a new mayor, amideon going recession and the near $400 million protected deficit, dozens of organizations from across the city have created the platform below which we'll detail further as a guide for the new mayor's priority. we represent an array of city residents, community-based nonprofits and service providers united in our commitment for san francisco that works for all san franciscoans. we wants a positive vision for the city's future, based on historic san francisco values of exclusiveness, com