oh, this is my friend and co-international spy christopher larson. this is mr. waverly. - how do you do? - how do you do? he's one of us. i know i've been anxixis for you to meet my beautiful widowed mother and all, but...well, if you met and liked each other you might even wanna getetarried. - oh. - 'yeah.' (chris) 'and, uh...well, i like you an awful lot, mr. solo' but i still gotta take care of mother first. she needs somebody to be around a lot 'you know, to kiss and stuff.' well, being a spy and all you probably wouldn't be able to s snd much time at home. well, that would make mother awful unhappy. i see. i'd like to shop around a little more for a father. well, i am disappointed. but i understand. - oh, look. there's mother. - where? (chris) 'right over there by the gate.' goodbye, chris. i think your mother looks like a very fine woman. goodbye. and don't forget, i'll always be your friend. and i'll always be yours, okay? that's mother? ah, mr. waverly, perhaps i should, after all come along, mr. solo. mother is a boy's best friend. [jazz music] ?? >> he