but christopher lilly says it's not worth it.. christopher lilly/has used dating apps its a minute of pleasure versus gross disease youre gonna know you had syphillis is an s- t-d spread through skin to skin sexual contact when there's a sore or legion in the genital or anal areas or mouth... people may not know they have it right away... vince collins/hiv service manager at the center when it gets to the chronic state you break out in rashes there's legions in the mouth and it's highly contagious. the gay and lesbian community center of educate people... de-stigmatize s-t- d's and enocurage testing.. nearly 90 percent of syphilis cases in 2015 were men... and the center's h-i-v service manager says hook up sights aren't the whole problem... vince collins/hiv service manager at the center they may be engaged in a lifestyle such as drug use, where they do just put their guards down syphilis can only be detected with a blood test.. and can be treated with penicillin.. but everyone encouraged to always play it safe. christopher lilly