to get some insight into that research written by christopher maher he's director of the institute of health metrics and evaluation professor chat help magic sciences at university of washington. so i thank you very much for being with us it's a pleasure to have you with us but obviously the subject matter extremely difficult and hard. to convey in many ways because from what you're telling. us things are set to get worse. well i worked trying forecast the- epidemic of code nineteen our first united states by state and nowow we've rereleased- results by country n europe and will be. expanding to other parts of the world- the uk estimates. i have a very wide range of our estimates so at the lower end of our range. we see about a thousand deaths a day. or around that number continuing until thehe middle of the month. at the higher end of the range it's possible that there would be. many more deaths than that including for example going up to estimates of nearly three thousand deaths a day. next week so- yes so huge range- and certainly- challenging times ahead before peak it hit this i