people have a love for it, the grain, how it feels, the texture, and now, it is, you know, christopher nolan, the director of "batman" films, as an example, he was saying that artists are being forced to make a change that is not as good as film. take this digital camera. "well, it is cheaper, it is faster, it is lighter, it is quicker, " and he says, "but it is not as good." "yes, but it is cheaper, it is faster, it is quicker." tavis: [laughs] >> and i kept asking how much longer, so what that means is when you go to the movies now, you will not see a photochemicals projection, and some people will say, "that is great. there will be no scratches." it is digitally perfect, but there are some people who will say, "but it is not as rich." are you getting an inferior project? and with distribution, we are seeing different ways of storytelling. you can still in it. on demand, on a computer, people watching movies on their ipad or their phone, everything, so how is that changing? tavis: you mentioned earlier, and, obviously, you are right about this, it is a transition that the industry is under