terror groups but that's just the kind of stuff again you have labs you have a memory of you and christopher reeve the old actor who played superman who was out there strike and came to d.c. to save the silver spring monkeys because they were doing a research on him and you know that it was not a radical movement at the time but people get so worked up over that that if research labs are attacked it will have a chilling effect on the scientists that work there and the companies that actually do the research what's european is animal cruelty justified when it's done in the name of science shoot science has been limited by what they can and can't do to anyone says test subjects yes i mean you should have serious guidelines and you should have issues with sentient and with it whether they can if pain issues will kind of pain pills you give them you would want an animal to necessarily suffer and you should also try to reduce animal testing to the absolute minimum that you would be absolutely necessary in a society and i think that's happened public outrage over that and more guidelines and strict adhe