my name's christopher springate. here's what we have for you this week. the designer drugs sweeping through poland. the controversial whale hunt in the faroe islands. and the forgotten conflict in nagorno-karabakh. teenagers call them "legal highs" -- substances that aren't banned but nevertheless leave them intoxicated. particularly dangerous are so-called designer drugs, designed to imitate the effects of illegal drugs, using ingredients that remain legal. authorities across europe are scrambling to catch up with the legal highs. often they can only ban them when the damage is already done. in poland for instance, two people died and dozens were hospitalised last month, after taking a designer drug. >> the dealer and his customer prefer to meet us in the forest. they'd rather not call attention to themselves. the dealer is selling designer drugs. concerns about their health risks are growing. >> they're legal. you can buy 'em on the internet, from friends, or in a shop. they're like amphetamines or cocaine, depending on the type and the price. it's not