joining us to talk more about this, christopher walin, an investment banker and senior managing director of reserve at knowls bond ratings agency. you know, chris, some people would argue that the government hasn't been tough enough on the banks. what do you think of what dick was just saying and what do you think of the public criticism. >> well, he is absolutely right. i mean, the settlements, susie, are kind of welcome in a sense that we're finally hearing the attorney general talk about this, but he's five years late. instead of prosecuting the officer's and directors of the banks that did the wrong and it sold bad securities, we're forcing investors to pay for the settlement. the investors are victims. if you look at the city settlement, bank of america settlement, a very large percentage of the funds provided will go for ohmodification of loans, donations to worthy consumer groups. the victims are investors, pension funds, insurance companies, financial institutions and unfortunately, the politics of this as dick said are about pandering the consumers. that's the false narrative we