chromium-- their use in the back. he was with the environmental protection agency at the time, a very good study of this and found not surprisingly increased one cancer risk of people exposed to chromium and the question of the regulatory interested people were exposed at 1 microgram per cubic meter they had excess risk of lung cancer. the old standard was 52 micrograms per cubic meter so even that 1 microgram, people exposed for their lifetime at that level would develop an increased risk of lung cancer so powerful evidence. they tried to get ahold of this study epa was doing to get the raw data but they could not do it so what they did and this was fascinating because there were essentially trying to stop this lawsuit, to force the osha standard, the invented a simulated population and then conducted a study on it. they said on the basis of what we know about this, this is what we think the work should look like and they concluded there was no risk of lung cancer. well, then eventually, through freedom of informatio