they bring back rubber, tin, chromium, nickel. it goes into steel to make nickel steel armor plate for battleships. in november, the boat comes back to go to new london. at the same time, the much smaller boat, a 350 ton boats makes it across the atlantic and sinks a few american steamers. it is an interesting story in itself. the second of the seven commercial u-boats is lost at sea. we have no idea why it was lost. all hands went down. we don't know why that boat met that fate. but we did know that the deutschland worked, and it was handled well. and it behaved well as a ship. that is what begins so impressive to the germans themselves. if they were going to convert them into warships, and the commercial return was not the best -- when they convert them, they take a look at the possible advantages and duplicating it on a larger scale. making sure that weapons are intact and usable to the point really have an additional advantage. they understand what it takes to build a boat of this sort. and handle it on the ocean, both on the