he and chubb chuck campos filed an application to turn this sprawling property into a processing facility 34,000 square-foot greenhouse and a 6400 square-foot processing link th. e >> we are driving up to the oasis where andre is a partner. >> we wanted to speak to you about andre cook because she can. >> my attorneys have advised me not to speak to the press. i have his business partner. >> is there any part of this that you think his response before? say thank you, no comment. >> campos is not named in any of the criminal charges. several partners are listed. we called each one, several did not return our request for comment. two of them said they are not affiliated with the project. two others have also since been removed from the site. the arrest also prompted the state bureau of cannabis control to review a dozen licenses granted to him and another business partner. a spokesperson said the review is ongoing. he previously pleaded not guilty and was released on bail. new charges were likely after 29 devices including a satellite phone were collected from the men. his attorneys did not