, wash the snout, it turned out to be a snout, the next word at first glance is very offensive, chuchundrahat beauty means, well almost, almost, only with a different acquaintance, a local beauty, well, let’s say, who is chuchundra, well , who is this, a fairy-tale character, maybe some kind? doll, doll, of course, they sometimes call me that manly when i don’t do something important, this is the wife of the mother’s younger brother in the family, well, she got all sorts of dirty work, she was unkempt, not very educated, you could say she was in they didn’t invest in the family, so when a girl said something so stupid, out of topic, or dressed awkwardly, they call her chuchundra, although i think this has probably already spread all over russia, right? this doesn’t mean that you have been given a spring cleaning, it means that you have to try to fit everyone there in one car or spend the night there, that is, such a word can easily be heard on public transport, but it means be more compact, masha, and now this is my case , i was here buying souvenirs, stood in line and they said to me: gir