chuck keiffer janda baturney. eric raven, doug clapp, ellen murray, scott nanz, jessica berry, michelle dominiquez, tom riser and dabney habb. committee on banking and housinn cheney, elisha toukoo, jan singleman, phil rudd, laura swan son. from the committee on commerce,science and transportation -- david strickland, melissa portman, david martin, doug anderson, lawrence wildgoose, cara fisher, michael davidson, sean bonne, jared bomberg, john beaser, nikki tushell and chris day. from the committee on homeland security and government affairs -- lena chana anika christianson, alexa norik and david wineberg. from the committee on health, education, labor and pensions -- everyone shatz, john rider, nick bath, car spar marcione, nikki mckinley, kend ra isakson, garrick devaney. from the select committee on intelligence, beth friedman, mike casey. from the committee on foreign relations, andrew keller, richie gill, shella arkin. from the committee on agriculture, and forestry, susan keith, kyle varner, claifer boisner, adam tarr. from the committee on energy and natural resources -- renee black, sam fowler, revon cleva, el