. >> ad, i am chuck cecil, retired foreign service. in the last couple years i've been involved in a lessons learned project in which we interview returning servicemembers of potential and reconstruction teams in and afghanistan. one of our questions is what could've made you more for getting your work? is a very common answer is if it had more freedom of movement i could have done a lot more. and by that they mean their movements were greatly curtailed by senior management, sometimes the embassy, sometimes washington, sometimes a combination of the two, which had a very low tolerance for risk. in other words, not wanting to lose the life of a civilian member of our government establishment in those countries. the question is this. what is the implication of this for our feature set to be in the areas of high civil unrest? and does that mean -- how would you say the balance between the traditional activities of the foreign service and the will of our clandestine services in acquiring the information we need for analysis and implementin