i'm a student of chuck colson and he told us the only way you learn is to teach it. teaching. teaching to yourselves, teach it to your peers, talk about it constantly. be prepared for your speech. your teaching it constantly, then you will be comfortable and confident, your spine will step in. you can do it without getting angry anger is always the last resort. emotion is the last thing when you've lost the ability to be logical and make sense. you see it so often in political debate. people will digress to the name-calling. to the ad hominem, the ad popular or the non sequitur. they will digress with a fallacy because that's grounded in feeling rather than to stay on point and if you have the ability, courage, the confidence to stay on point as you practice, you will bethe only one in the room that has it. >> i was wondering if you could , i'm trying to figure out what could be a sense of about first corinthians 13. i read it and did you ever find this guy or girl and asked them, i guess you said it was a male, what was wrong , what's wrong with corinthians 13? it's baffling.