there was a lot bothering me about chuck crews. heriff's office kept investigating chuck, even communicated with the da about possibly convening a grand jury. chuck and his lawyer spoke to the detective on many occasions, and the detective continued to think chuck's behavior was suspicious and that he still seemed nervous. did you ever think that maybe the reason that chuck crews was acting this way was that you guys were coming down pretty hard on him? and he's lost his girlfriend. i mean, is there a way to act? i don't know. but he had several things going against him. and we just couldn't walk away from him. we either had to prove that he did it or prove that he didn't do it. andrea canning: but chuck says he should have been cleared almost right away. so even though the dna didn't match-- chuck crews: there was no match, but they insisted on targeting me as the prime suspect. they were trying to build a case that wasn't there. [music playing] andrea canning: while chuck's life had been on hold for a year, kristin was starting to