chuck grassly and lindsey graham have written a letter to the national security advisor susan rice about this declassified e-mail they obtained in the senate. in their letter to susan rice, they quote this e-mail back to her in full and then they say this, quote, it strikes us as odd that among your activities in the final moments and the final day of the obama administration you would feel the need to send yourself such an unusual e-mail. they then send a list of a dozen questions they want to ask her about this newly declassified e-mail. by releasing this today, the senators have given us an extraordinary window into what the obama administration was grappling with. knowing russia intervened to help trump win the election and the incoming trump national security team were lying about their contacts with russia and knowing there was an active fbi investigation because of the contacts with russia, president obama in that moment according to this new e-mail, president obama in that moment went to his national security team:went to the top law enforcement officers and said i'm not going to